
MAHASUCI.TEXS-TEXS BALINES LONTAR that offend the divinity


                                                                 attachment 1 

       my dear friend who copied the contents of palm leaf DHARMA SUNYA (Brahman widya) bali people because his book is a bit thick I copas page after page that enjoy reading as a contemplation of the teachings of the ancestors may always be happy and no obstacles. the author of the lontar (book) is very clear yet there is no certainty, and the text has long circulated among religious students, as a reference understanding of SUNYA or Brahman or God

        verse of this verse from the ancient Balinese language translation:

1.             The inner is a perfect sacred kawi like the ocean, radiating the mind
           that's sacred holly light.  Happy free from desire, sari
           beauty, that's a collection of flavors,
           Knowledge of the highest reality contents
           main library. He is like Adipandita, really
           the world's lingganya.
           like a lamp, his work has broadcast

2.            He who is finished in such a reality is entitled
           bringing marriage into society.
           Truly Hyang Pramesthi (GOD)---
           the highest ------ succeeded in conferring the sanctity of mind
           to her. as well as saraswati ---- Dewi said ---- already
           united inseparably inside
           his incredible mind. That's why it all happened
           he was called Kawiswara ---- King kawi.

3.           As for me I am very stupid in reality,
           the Kawiswara is impersonal. But far his mastery, because
           the complexity of the short length of the syllable,
           fragment, prosody, script. It's like a firefly
           want to match the moon shining, so its parable.
           Because very stupid kamalanatha, then imitate him
           which has been great.

4.           Not because the birth can be concocted, did not expect well-known
          around the world. because Desire is called, clearly
          become a mockery, dare to make
          story of a laughing stock.
          And also bhaktiku dikaki teachers, with  his teachings thrive on
          in the heart. That is the purpose of this too stupid 
          insisted on contemplating, present it in marriage in society.

5.           That's been done thoroughly reality is nakala-niskala, he is entitled
          as a protector.
          Consider purification water
          enemies in the heart, He is a perfect saint.
          Everyone who is devoted, believe will victory, desire
          comal gems, this is worth listening to beautiful words

next :                                                                                                  beranda

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